ZSL London Zoo quick visit 27th May ’18

I popped by my favourite London Zoo to hang out with a visiting friend and of course couldn’t resist taking a few snaps…

Also shot a little bit of video, something i’m trying to make a habit of doing more – mostly for my personal use, it’s great reference to have footage of an animal moving about/interacting as well as stills. I’ll upload some more video footage if you’re interested, let me know in the comments!

Humboldt penguin
One of my best bits of ZSL London Zoo is the walk-through lemur enclosure. The lemurs are inquisitive (not as cheeky as the squirrel monkeys) and seem to watch the humans as much as they are watched themselves…
Otters – these guys were so cute to observe! Their interactions with each other are very playful…
4 August 2018