“SPECTACULAR, Spectacular. No words in the vernacular can describe this great event, you’ll be dumb with wonderment… and on top of your fee, you’ll be involved artistically……….”

Wow. Just wow.

On Saturday, we had the pleasure of going to Secret Cinema’s latest production based around one of my favourite films, Moulin Rouge.

I’ve never been to a Secret Cinema event before but had heard a lot of good things about it and booked the Moulin Rouge event the second they released the tickets. The whole vibe of Secret Cinema is that it’s kept, well, a secret, so I can’t reveal anything about what happened BUT i’ve included my email to them below – i’ve removed a lot of it because it had some secrets within it, but you’ll get the idea… and here’s some links to a couple of reviews too:



I had so much fun sourcing bits for my costume…

If you can go, GO!!! I can’t recommend it highly enough, I really can’t. You just have to go and experience it for yourself if you can get one of the few remaining tickets! Click here


Hello team,

I just had to send you a quick message to say a massive THANK YOU for the experience we had in Montmartre on Saturday night… it was quite simply one of the most fantastic experiences both my partner and I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of (and that’s quite something!)
Moulin Rouge is one of my all-time favourite films, and being a fan of immersive theatre, we simply had to come to this one – and boy, did you do it justice and then some!!! đŸ™‚
I could go on and on about every last thing that was done to perfection, but i’d be here all day and my quick email would become an essay – please just know that what you have created is truly a very wonderful, special thing, and i’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart (as deep as that sounds… I mean it!)

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help promote Secret Cinema – we’ve already convinced my partner’s parents to go (booked a date in April I believe) and, without revealing anything of course, will be shouting from the rooftops at any given opportunity about how bloody brilliant it was. I will cherish the memories of our night in Montmartre forever.

I can’t wait to see what you do next…

Yours gratefully,
(aka, Louise Michel)


27 February 2017